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Parallel Session As previous years, PGCE 2011 s main event is the technical paper presentation. His paper entitled The Future of Hydrocarbon E&P-technology solutions for challenging environments and challenging reservoirs mark the start of the parallel technical sessions. The Opening Ceremony ended with the morning tea before delegates were ushered into the Banquet Hall for the Keynote Paper by Mr. They were Johnny Yii Chiu Jin and Barman Bin Omoi from University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Azrin Binti Azmi and Balqis Binti Nasruddin from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Ling Hwei Chih and Yong Joy Anne from Universiti Malaya (UM) and Tan Hong Kiew and Muhamad Ariff Safwan Bin Abdul Ghani from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). 8 awards were given to outstanding students studying for a degree in Geology or Geophysics at Malaysian public universities. It was then followed by the PGCE Student Excellence Award, this year it is once again sponsored by PGS. Suhail Al-Mazrouie, Deputy CEO of Mubadala Oil & Gas was invited to deliver the Keynote Address entitled New Ways in Developing Business A New Partnership Perspective. PGCE 2011 was then officially launched when Datuk Aziyah ceremoniously hit the gong, marking its opening. The Opening Address was delivered by Datuk Aziyah Binti Mohamed, Deputy Secretary of Natural Resource and Environment, Malaysia on behalf of YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup, Deputy Minister of Natural Resource and Environment, Malaysia. It was then followed by the Welcoming Address by the President of GSM, Dr. Everyone was greeted by a very colourful, vibrant and energetic cultural performance by the PETRONAS Performing Arts Group (PPAG). After the doa recital and HSE briefing, the VVIP arrived and took their seats. There were 43 technical papers presented, 60 technical posters were showcased and 43 companies exhibited with PGCE Opening Ceremony The day started with the Opening Ceremony on the Monday morning of 7 th March 2011 at the Plenary Hall on level 3 of KLCC. Further information can be obtained from: GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA c/o Department of Geology, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Tel: Fax: URL: Cover photo: Sandstone of the Belait Formation, Tg Kubung, Pulau Labuan by Ng Tham Fattģ PGCE PGCE.2011 Petroleum Geology Conference & Exhibition 7 & 8 March 2011 Kuala Lumpur Convention Center New Plays, New Ways, Innovative Technology Co-organised by: 1Ĥ Petroleum Geology Conference & Exhibition & 8 March 2011 Kuala Lumpur Convention Center 2 Introduction This year the Geological Society Malaysia (GSM) and PETRONAS once again hosted another successful Petroleum Gelogy Conference & Exhibition or known more affectionately by its acronym, PGCE It was held at the prestigious Kuala Convention Centre (KLCC) on the 7 th and 8 th March 2011 with a record breaking number of more than 2000 participants.

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It is distributed free-of-charge to members of the Society. Warta Geologi covers short geological communications and original research, as well as reports on activities and news about the Society. Warta Geologi (Newsletter of the Geological Society of Malaysia) is published quarterly by the Society. The membership is worldwide in distribution. The Society has a membership of about 600 earth scientists interested in Malaysian and other Southeast Asian region. 2 PERSATUAN GEOLOGI MALAYSIA GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA MAJLIS (Council) 2010/2011 PRESIDEN (President) : NAIB PRESIDEN (Vice President) : SETIAUSAHA (Secretary) : PENOLONG SETIAUSAHA (Assistant Secretary) : BENDAHARI (Treasurer) : PENYUNTING (Editor) : PRESIDEN YANG DAHULU (Immediate Past President): AHLI-AHLI MAJLIS (Councillors) : Joy Jacqueline Pereira Mazlan Madon Mohd Rozi Umor Ling Nan Ley Ahmad Nizam Hasan Lau Yin Leong Yunus Abdul Razak Anil Nair Gan Lay Chin Lim Choun Sian Ng Tham Fatt Nur Iskandar Taib Nicholas Jacobs Samsudin Hj Taib Tan Boon Kong JAWATANKUASA PENYUNTING (Editorial Committee) Lau Yin Leong (Chairman) Anna Lim Ng Tham Fatt The Society was founded in 1967 with the aim of promoting the advancement of earth science particularly in Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region.

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